
Storing Stock API Data in DynamoDB

Access the GitHub repo here


A machine learning project that I am working on requires access to historical stock trading data. Alpha Vantage provides a free API for accessing this kind of data and I am storing the information that I retrieve from this API in an AWS DynamoDB table. DynamoDB is a very simple, managed NoSQL database service from AWS that can automatically scale to hold a near-unlimited amount of data.

I have built a command line tool using the Click framework in Python. Configuration and use of this tool to pull and store data from an API can be easily adapted using the source code in this public GitHub repo.

Step 1: Install this command line tool

Clone this GitHub repo by running git clone from your terminal. Once the repository has been cloned, change into the repository directory by running cd StockTrader.

Step 2: Configure the tool

Open the file and change the values for DYNAMO_DB_TABLE_NAME and AWS_REGION to match your environment. You will need to create a DynamoDB table with ticker as the Primary partition key and date as the primary sort key. Make sure that the name of that table matches your setting of DYNAMO_DB_TABLE_NAME in The environment that you install the command line tool in will also need the proper AWS credentials to read and write to this DynamoDB table.

Step 3: Use this tool

There are two primary commands with this tool, grab and clear.

  • grab: pull in stock data from API
  • clear: clear all stock data from the database

Each command requires one argument (–ticker), which is the ticker that corresponds to the stock that you want to grab or clear.

Grab command

Run python grab from a terminal with your directory in /StockTrader. You will be asked to enter an api_key to authenticate with the API. You can set a default for this key by changing the value for TOKEN in Once a default is set it will be displayed in brackets. Just press enter to use the saved default value for the token. You will be asked to enter a ticker for the stock you want to grab. Once you see DONE grabbing the stocks historical information has been saved to the DynamoDB table.

Clear command

Run python clear from a terminal with your directory in /StockTrader. You will be asked to enter a ticker for the stock you want to clear. Once you see DONE deleting the stocks historical information has been removed from the DynamoDB table.
